"dirty" Install, just a tip

Well for those that are experiencing troubles from time to time and can't seem to remedy the situation. Here is a little known secret of Microsoft Windows software. 

Intead of using system restore to resolve some minor/major problems, use the Windows installation disk to help out. I know this trick works for Windows ME and above. 

What you do is go ahead and insert the installation disk in your hard drive and restart and boot from the disk. You will go through the beginning process of a regular installation. You will see at the bottum of your screen where it says type "R" to repair, do not type the "R" at this point in time, just type "C" for continue. The very next time you see the "R" for repair, go ahead and type the "R" this time and it will start a repair of all your system files. You will have to have you CD key and such like this. It will seem like the thing is doing a fresh install but, it isn't. All it is doing is removing the dmaged file from you system and reinstalling them from a new. YOU WILL NOT LOOSE ANY OF YOUR INSTALLED SOFTWARE OR SETTINGS!!! The only thing that has happened is the replacing of all the WINDOWS system files. For those of you that wish to try this you will see exactly what i am talking about. If you have any questions about this you can either post a reply or PM me and i will definately answer the questions the best that i can. 

I have tried this with Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It does work very well. 

Remember not the first "R" , this second "R" is when it will do this for you. The first "R" is for the extremely advanced and for Microsoft technical support.
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