1. A good place to put a toolbar would be at the top of the screen, just drag your My Computer Icon to the top of the screen, or the side. Or Wherever, this can be done with any folder if you want. Only in the windows NT verisons (2k, XP, 2003 etc, and i think
2. Next, make a folder somewhere on your harddrive, call it toolbars or something. Then, make folders inside that folder for each toolbar you want. Then make shortcuts to some programs, or folders. Or you can skip this step if you want to have a toolbar of a folder you use for downloading or saving stuff. For alot of you this would mean My Documents.
3. Right Click on your taskbar, or a newly created toolbar (such as my computer), then hover over Toolbars, Click on New Toolbar.
the toolbar is displayed, so that way it becomes a drop down, like your start
5. If you have a my computer toolbar, you may want to right click on it, and
uncheck show text. Then hover over view, and select small icons.